Monday, September 26, 2011

You are such a lovely dancer...


Bella said...

Such a fun photograph!

Trashsparkle said...

You won't believe it, but I used to live in that very house! He was Henry Behrens - the house is in Worthing, East Sussex. My profile picture is of him and his wife washing up in the kitchen.

farouche said...

Wow, I adore this image. Did you ever get to know Henry and his wife?

Trashsparkle said...

No, alas - we were 40 years too late! They rented the house from the father of the man we bought the house from. He'd been the manager of the pier, where Henry performed with a midget troupe. The owners left us a newspaper cutting about the couple when we moved in. The house had a lot of original features that would have been there when the couple lived there - including light switches that were very low down the walls.

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